Healthy Hearts Counseling & Coaching provides a host of mental health care services for individuals and groups who are interested in taking an active role in staying mentally and emotionally fit. The program is uniquely tailored by clinical psychologist and self-care expert, Dr. Raé Nicole Lundy, who delivers counseling service with dynamic coaching techniques that empower people to become acutely involved in caring for themselves in a healthy way.



Individual Counseling is a safe and confidential space to speak one on one with Dr. Raé Nicole about any emotional concerns.


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Relationships

  • Trauma

  • Career issues.

We will gather a detailed history of your concerns and collaboratively develop a plan to address your needs.

Often, we feel alone in our desire to improve certain areas of our lives, Group Counseling is a supportive setting designed to increase self-awareness and learn new ways to cope with personal challenges. Dr. Raé Nicole helps you connect with others who are experiencing similar concerns on your personal journey to healing.


Dr. Raé Nicole has a sincere and demonstrated passion for helping underrepresented and underserved communities overcome barriers by developing effective cultural competency workshops and programs.

Training topics range from understanding mental illnesses within communities of color, combating workplace discrimination, defining microagressions, and enaging in detailed discussion around racial equity and inclusion.  


Workshops & Trainings

Self-Care is the INTENTIONAL time taken to nurture one's physical, spiritual, mental and emotional needs. It allows us to slow down and listen to our mind, body and spirit, to create the balance needed for personal success.

The Self-Care Doc specializes in teaching people that self-care is a major key to wellness. The current Black Health Matters: A Self-Care Workshop Series addresses the key elements of self-care, and assists participants by creating a personalize assessment and self-care plan.


For Additional Information on Coaching, Lifestyle Assessments, and Personalized Self-Care Toolkits. Feel free to contact The Self-Care Doc below: