Sisters In Self-Care (SIS) is a workplace wellness coaching and consulting business, designed specifically for Black and Indigenous women leaders and employee resource groups. We understand the unique challenges faced by Black and Indigenous women in the workplace, and our goal is to provide safe space and customized support for self-care, burnout prevention and recovery, mental health and emotional well-being.

Our team of experts, includes three  dynamic self-care consultants with specialties ranging from licensed mental health care services to diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging (DEIB) advocacy to emotional fitness coaching—all with an emphasis on burnout prevention and recovery. The team works in tandem to creating safe spaces for the facilitation of tailored corporate wellness programs, professional development, and executive coaching. We believe that wellness is a barometer of organizational culture engagement and alignment and can be a major predictor of qualitative success, and our services are designed to support women leaders and employee resource groups achieve their personal and professional goals.

Our services include tailored coaching, group facilitation, and consulting services for corporate wellness programs. We work closely with our clients to develop customized plans that address their unique needs, whether it's addressing burnout, improving emotional and mental health, or creating a healthy, safe and equitable workplace environment of belonging.

At SIS, we prioritize the importance of creating a supportive and affirming space for Black and Indigenous women leaders and employee resource groups. We recognize the importance of representation and the value that it brings to our clients' experiences.

We understand that investing in your wellness offering is an investment in not only your team, but also your organization’s success, and we are committed to helping you achieve both. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your organization in its commitment to wellness and professional development.